
Customized Reporting

As a standard offering, Atlas Retail Energy provides daily and weekly market reports as well as a natural gas storage report every Thursday. In addition to these standard reports, we work with you on a variety of customized reports to help plan for future years. These custom reports include market impact analysis, future budgets (supply and delivery), and future hedge analysis.

Sample Reporting

Budget Forecasting and Tracking

Budget Forecasting and Tracking

Budgeting is the number one item our clients care about. Each decision maker is being held to an internal budget. Atlas Retail Energy not only assists in meeting strict budget needs, but routinely provides monthly budgets broken out by component to see what your energy or natural gas is costing.

Consumption Analysis

Consumption Analysis

Knowing how and when you use your energy is critical to cost management. Our analysis pulls out key performance indicators that allow us to better structure your energy management strategies.

Product Backtesting

Product Backtesting

Have you ever wondered how different energy products performed? Our product back testing can simulate actual performance of nearly 10 different products over a five to seven-year period, giving you pertinent data to make educated decisions moving forward.

Alternative Product Performance Tracking

Alternative Product Performance Tracking

As your commodity contracts flow, Atlas tracks the performance of the selected strategy vs the alternatives at the time of contracting. Like product back testing, only this is in real time.

Internal Curve Algorithm

Internal Curve Algorithm

As your trusted advisor, Atlas Retail Energy can hold suppliers accountable for their pricing. We know exactly where they are putting premiums and advise you appropriately if pricing looks too good to be true.

Fixed Price Component Breakdown

Fixed Price Component Breakdown

Many clients just want a fixed rate so they can set their budgets. What they don’t know is the premiums behind that fixed rate or what exactly is included in that price. This breakdown tells you exactly that.

Market Timing Analysis

Market Timing Analysis

When in the market for fixed price contracts, market timing is everything. Signing contracts before new capacity tags are released, buying in the bottom of the market, or buying to protect against future renewable initiatives are all ways of achieving lower fixed priced contracts.

Site-by-site Comparison

Site-by-site Comparison

Managing multiple accounts across the nation makes it difficult to track the energy performance. Atlas Retail Energy’s site-by-site comparison makes it easy to single out problem accounts that are costing businesses more money than other comparable sites.

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